We help your business Grow! 


Who is The NOW Group for?

People in Business who can benefit from high quality connections locally and in remote settings. With an exceptional reach to: valuable collaborations, key strategic partnerships and baseline direct referral opportunities, NOW Group will widen your area of operation in 30 days. Thats the NOW guarantee!  


The NOW Member Community hosts 6 groups so far making  'Networking Our Way' a diverse container. Our mission is to create an eco-system of collaborators that provides essential contacts, brand development and business development support. With a little space to grow into for any business.  

The home of truly hybridised Networking, NOW Group is 21st Century proofed. So whether your business can operate anywhere with an internet connection or has solid roots in the city, our developing regional twinning system offers a truly resilient marketing solution. Protecting your referral streams no matter the market! 

Discover the Visitor experience


Our members actively support each other and we celebrate it! 

Media Masters

We are skilled and systematic in cross- promotion on social media

Accelerated ROI

Great 'Time to Return' via our strategic content body.

Productive Referrals

High quality referral focus

Brand Support

We make sure your profile is growing! Our members operate in the top 1% digitally! 

Remote Connect

NOW is a great insertion point for remote reach. We even facilitate this electronically - No zoom fee's!


Oceania Wide 

Build great connections all over the continent!

New Zealand's most innovative Networking Community

Grow your business, develop relationships, don't join 'just another business network', join an eco-system of interconnected, like minded professionals. 

"After just 4 weeks in NOW I've seen an immediate impact on how I am doing business. Whats more I've felt so supported in this community, event support, mentoring and so much added value!"

Catherine Zahidi

"What I have found exceptional about this community is the quality of the businesses and their reps. Everyone seems to be operating at high level so I am glad to be a part of this system, having steered away from networking in the past!"

Jonathan Battersby

Check out our NOW Groups

Come and sample our growing community Nationally minded with global aspiration! With visitor guides available on each page! 

NOW Prime

Auckland centered and progenitor NOW Assembly

Learn more ➝


NOW Excelerate

The Canterbury centered and second Generation NOW Assembly

Learn more ➝


NOW Optimise

Our flagship Australia based Assembly.........

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LAUNCHING - Our Wellington based Assembly is here and growing.........

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October 10th at 0900, with an 0845 Pre-meeting. 

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LAUNCHING - Online from October 10th at 1100, with an 1045 Pre-meeting. 

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Follow our community  Podcast! - Coming soon


NOW Cast is all about our members Tune in to find a back log of interviews and Q & A's. In these easy to consume bite size conversations we try and extract as much information on our Members and their business. You can expect humour and Mahi aplenty, with everyday Kiwis providing awesome interviews and insights. You'll hear stories of Business experience, with special episodes of our latest favourite business reads!

Enjoy everyone and if your a member and would like to get your cast done. Just email us [email protected]